Tuesday 27 February 2018

STEM Student Workshop with business mentors

Some very exciting things happening in the world of STEM at our school! Yesterday our students participated in a STEM workshop developed by the ABCN (Australian Business and Community Network) and NBN CO (National Broadband Network). In the afternoon, ABCN delivered a parent seminar to our school community. Following on from the workshop our students will be involved in an Australia-wide competition: The Futurists' Fair.
Students working together to play Pacman with a Makey Makey Invention Kit
First, some background info: ABCN partners business with education through structured programs, which involve corporate volunteers mentoring students. Their focus is to improve the opportunities and outcomes for students and schools most in need. "Every year we work with over 200 public schools across Australia to deliver a range of critical employability, leadership and skill-building mentoring programs. These schools are typically priority-funded and located in low socio-economic status (SES) communities."

Our NBN Co. mentor telling us about his work and passion for STEM education
"In partnership with the National Broadband Network, ABCN has developed the STEM+X workshop to highlight the importance of STEM in everyday life... Underlying the workshop will be a focus on STEM+X - with the 'X' representing the children's passions and interests. NBN CO and ABCN believe all Australian children, regardless of their economic, religious and cultural backgrounds should be encouraged to enjoy STEM. STEM will be integral to their future employability and enjoyment of the world around them."

Yesterday was our program launch and 30 of our Year 5/6 students participated in a STEM workshop. Throughout the day we also had media visit us. Students were very excited the next day when they'd seen themselves on a local news station and heard their radio interview!

The first part of the workshop involved students in a one minute brainstorm of the many uses of a paperclip. Some ideas included mini kebab holder, belt clip and fishing hook.  A few too many students had ideas about opening locks and using it as a vandalism/graffiti tool! They then had another minute to come up with all of the ways you couldn't use a paperclip. Some of their ideas: You can't fly with it, can't use it as shelter from rain, can't drive it and can't use it as underwear.

Students then had their first experience with a Makey Makey invention kit. With a Makey Makey, students can make any conductive material act as the input device for a computer.

Students then worked together in teams using the design thinking process. Their challenge was to design an app that would improve our school.  


They then presented their ideas to the rest of the class. Students came up with some wonderful ideas in a short time, and some of them are keen to take their app ideas further!  We had a great day and are all looking forward to starting our work on the Futurists' Fair project.

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